Monday, November 29, 2010

computer graphic 3 assignment 2..

Below is the steps of doing this assignment by using flash,at 1st,import the file and layer that i want to use in this assignment.

After that, i want to import these image layer as a bitmap image with editable layer style,and also editable text.
After import all the image that i want, rename all the layer,it is easier to recognize the layer.
Arrange the 1st start image that i want, arrange nicely the layer.

next, insert keyframe, you can also press F6 to insert keyframe.
I have create the layer a motion tween for me to create the motion i want to do.
i edit the motion by using motion editor.
i also use motion presents to help me create the motion.
insert blank keyframe when there is picture i dont want it to be appear at the time.
start to create motion by using motion is very useful for me.

move the picture to the place i want.

insert blank keyframe at the end of the motion.
arrange nicely the sequences.

test movie, you also can press Ctrl+ enter.
check the movie see whether there is something you are not satisfy.
edit it and correct it.
this is my 1st time using flash to make motion graphic..
i hope i can create a more interesting and perfect motion graphic next time..
i will work hard for it~hehe~

Sunday, September 19, 2010

‘Creative-licious’ Multimedia 2

We continue develop our sketches:

We use back the "juicy" idea and try to relate the food with multimedia and we come out as the apple (fruit) morph to the apple ( Mac book laptop).

A image that show the process of hot dog from a hot chili and a dog. (It can represent the making process of creative-licious multimedia which require the creative material)

Image of a cup of facebook and twitter drink. (it show that social website is very significant to us just like water )image of a music download software icon, this software company use food (lemon) as their logo to attract people. (It also become a relation between food and multimedia)

Images of earth ice-cream. The radar at the bottom side act as sender and the radar at the earth ice-cream act as the receiver. It show that multimedia can be send and receive and multimedia now is also show that creative multimedia is so tasty like ice-cream.

We use the ideas that finish develop and start to design our final presentation layout.Here are the images of our presentation layout and concept:

Design layout and concept of our final artwork

We decide to present our final artwork in the form of powerpoint presentation slide. We use a series of continous images to show people about creative-licious multimedia.

Here are the images of our final presentation slide:

This is the end presentation. Thank you
*I will send the presentation slide to sir's email address"
Group member:
Sam Lee Guo How
Sieh Inn Tyan
Yap Shook Chin
Cha Shyh Lei

Saturday, September 18, 2010

‘Creative-licious’ Multimedia

In the end of creative studies, we are given a assignment which it theme is about creative multimedia. So, what is creative multimedia? We are surrounded by multimedia, we use multimedia everyday,but, how to made multimedia to be creative??At 1st, our group start to gather the information and do the research about creative multimedia. Information and data are recorded in the form of logical mind map. After that , we gather all the mind maps and come out with a final logical mind map about the creative multimedia.

As a summary, creative can be define as the ability to create and multimedia can be define as the result of the combination of multiple media form with consist of image, sound and text. Another work, creative multimedia can be defined as multiple content that resulted form original thinking.After we understand about the meaning of creative multimedia, we need to get a focus point in order to continues our work. In order to get a focus point (which is the topic), we use associate mind map for brain storming.

After a long discussion, we decide to juxtapose creative multimedia with food. We start gather information about food and brainstorming to get the connection and relation between food and creative multimedia. Some logical mind maps is done in the progress. Like the previous part, we gather all the small mind maps and come out a final mind map about our topic.

After that, we are required to use the information from the mind map and come out an essay that around 800 words. In order to make our idea attractive, we decide to give a creative title to our essay. After a short discussion, we came out the title "Recipe to cook a "Creative-licious" Multimedia".Below is the content of our essay:____________________________________________________________________

Recipe to cook a ‘Creative-licious Multimedia

Multimedia is a product with multiple form of media, whereas, creativity is the ability to make something new and origin. Therefore, Creative Multimedia can be defined as multiple content that are resulted from original thinking, it should be innovating or novel. Any medium that can evoke sensation of human body part such as hand, skin, eyes, nose, and tongue can be combined to form multimedia.

Multimedia has grown very fast and extensively due to the needs arise. Its versatility makes its influence emanates into many fields. Multimedia is everywhere around us now and future, multimedia has became a need for everyone. As such, multimedia is analog as “food” to us.

There are a lot of similarities between food and creative multimedia. For instance, to cook a food or dish, ingredients including vegetable, meat, rice, fruit, and flour must be used. These ingredients are like the different type of media, for example, text or graphic. These ingredients must be fresh, clean and good in texture. Tools like pan, fork, plate, and oven must be used to cook, present, and consume the food. In producing creative multimedia, these tools are authoring software, camera, etc. The tools must be up to date and in-line with the latest technology.

Different culture creates different foods (multimedia) which represent the history lifestyle of the local people. Anyway, without valuable nutrition (content), a food will be just a junk food which is not healthy to people. The content or the message to be conveyed in a multimedia is the most important, without a meaningful content, a creative multimedia product has no value. However, the content must be just enough for a person to digest. Too much content will cause obesity and indigestion. Children can consume very light type of food, but adult can take more heavy food. Therefore, the food (multimedia) for adult can be richer but the food for children should be simple to digest.

The combination of the ingredient can produce variety of food. These foods can fulfill different people’s senses. Anyway, the resultant dishes depend on the cook (the multimedia maker), they are the one who furnish life and decide the final look of the product. It depends on the maker’s creativity and aim. Certain cook like to add in spices such as chili, garlic, basil (analog to multimedia special effect like 3D) to increase the uniqueness.

Sometimes we are overloaded with too many multimedia applications; therefore, it is important to produce more quality and eye-catching multimedia. It will become a worldwide trend for everybody to be creative. To achieve this, we must have good ingredient (content), excellent tools, and first-class cook. In other word, a good cook must have certain qualities. There are some personalities of the maker to produce a good product.

The presence of these personalities is like adding life to a multimedia product, or like adding some favor into the food. To elaborate, salty is a rather moderate favor. It exists in most food. An open minded personality can represents this favor. An open minded person is like a sea, who can absorb new idea and skill then dilute them into his/her mind resources pool. This ability is important to make sure the subsistence of new sources.

Bitter taste will be there if the maker went through some hardship. Though bitter is usually not a desired taste, its existence will add depth to the overall taste. By going through hardship processes like working under pressure of time constraint, limited budget or some unexpected circumstances, the maker can take critics and enhancement can be done to improve the product.

Any food must appear “sweet”. Good idea and concept must be packaged” to be outstanding from thousand of products. Otherwise, high chance is the product will be overlooked. The maker must have proper aesthetic sense, good feeling for space, color, shape, and sound. Thus, a presentable and attractive product can be produced.

Sour taste makes people feel energetic and lively. Personalities like persistence and determinate depicts this taste the most. It is a “corroding” attitude, strong as acid to achieve the goal. The maker must have definite view and non-erratic when making decision. He or she believes in own self, has faith of own dream.

Spicy taste can be added when the maker possess certain degree of craziness. This element will make the food different from ordinary product. Maker with this personal trait can think out of the box, he or she is always ready to break the rule. As a result, novel, innovative and creative idea can be produced.

As a conclusion, multimedia is like food, it’s a need in daily life. But the maker must posses certain personality traits to produce quality product, so that the consumer can consume the product safely and satisfactorily.


The next step that we need to do is ideas generation. Our goal is to create image to show the "creative-licious" multimedia. Random word association is used in this process. We use the random word given by the lecture -"shirt" to come out idea that relate to our topic(creative-licious multimedia). A small mind map about shirt is done to get the ideas. we take some key words form the mind map and start develop the ideas

*Before using any technique, we already start to come out some sketches. Here are the initial sketches that without using any creative technique:

Here are the sketches about the ideas that we developed after using random word association technique:

Product in market that look fresh, come with different variety and promotion price can attract people.Sketch about the idea "advertise". Something with packaging can attract people, the outlook and decoration in the packaging can make people feel delicious.

Sketch about the idea "watchable"

Sketch about the idea "fible/fabric"

Sketch about idea "vogue"

Sketch about idea "outdate"

Sketch about the idea "bath" and "country". Sexy and delicious feel can appear when we imagine the image of a female robot taking her bath

Sketch about ideas "brand, cutting and collar"

Skecth about idea "color"